30th Administration

Brotherhood has always been more than just a word in my vocabulary. True brotherhood demands a sincere dedication to each other which becomes part of our daily walk in life. Each day I find a way to exhibit brotherhood to uplift those brothers with whom I come in contact.

Altruism is a behavior I naturally exhibit in my relationships with others. As servant leaders, we must always think of what benefits others before we benefit ourselves, even if it comes at our own expense.

The Eastern Province has always set the standards by which others are measured.  I am dedicated to ensuring that we leave the Eastern Province better than we received it. I am very aware that while the Eastern Province has a rich and outstanding history that I am committed to and continue to work hard. I take my oath of office very seriously and will not rest on my laurels or past achievements. Leadership is an action that is best served when you as the leader motivate others to achieve. My commitment to lead is dedicated to our Founders, the Eastern Province stalwarts that have come before me, and most importantly to those Elder Watson Diggs-minded brothers that give their all to Kappa, day in and day out.

30th Province Polemarch

Richard B. Mattox

30th Eastern Province Polemarch
Email Polemarch

Paul Robinson, the eldest of three children raised by a single mother, understood at a young age what it meant to be responsible for others. Paul’s mother Palmyra Robinson left us at age 47 after succumbing to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) leaving Paul to care for his siblings and a passion for service having served as the only black female Deputy Sheriff for much of her 21 years on duty. Palmyra was also known for telling anyone who would listen that “if you commit to something, commit 100% or nothing at all.”

The spirit of commitment and being your best self never left Brother Robinson. One month after being initiated into Pensacola (FL) Alumni chapter, Brother Robinson was elected Keeper of Records. In addition to that role, Brother Robinson recognized the chapter lacked a website and quickly built the chapter’s first website. He then went on to serve the fraternity on all three levels including being elected Keeper of Records at Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter, Eastern Province Region II Alumni Board Member, Chapter Advisor to Rho Kappa, National Reclamation Chairman, and National Membership Status Review Commission Chairman (a position previously held by a Grand Board member).

Performance over Politics is more than a slogan to Brother Robinson. Having trained for leadership his entire life, Brother Robinson believes nothing is impossible when the men of Kappa Alpha Psi come together. As Polemarch of Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter Brother Robinson provided a vision to brothers that was initially thought to be too ambitious. Brothers responded to the call and tripled Exchequer from $20k to over $60k, doubled membership through reclamation, and won back-to-back Eastern Province Large Chapter of the Year. Brother Robinson was subsequently elected to the Eastern Province Region II Alumni Board of Directors from 2015-2018. As a Board Member for the province Brother Robinson sought to put service to the brothers first by leading the charge to lower the cost to undergraduates and senior brothers for province council; provide guidance and support to chapters in and outside of Region II; and mentor undergraduates throughout the province. Brother Robinson was appointed National Reclamation Chairman under 33rd Grand Polemarch Thomas Battles where he again laid out a vision to reclaim more brothers than any period prior. Four years later the 33rd Administration had reclaimed almost 10,000 brothers. The 34th Grand Polemarch Reuben Shelton noticed Brother Robinson’s passion and excellence and asked him to serve as Membership Status Review Commission (MSRC) Chairman, a position previously led by Grand Board Member Linnes Finney. Brother Robinson went to work serving as an advisor to Grand Board Members, Province Polemarchs, and Senior Province Vice Polemarchs culminating in the reinstatement of more than 100 brothers. Due to the critical role the MSRC plays, the 35th Grand Polemarch Jimmy McMikle has re-appointed Brother Robinson as Chairman.

Professionally, Paul Robinson is the highest-ranking African American in the Booz Allen Hamilton Intelligence sector as a Chief Engineer. He is the Deputy Program Manager for a $300M program with staff geographically dispersed across the U.S. Paul is honored to have been awarded the coveted Values In Practice (VIP) Award, the highest award an employee can receive at Booz Allen Hamilton. He is also a two-time Black Engineer of the Year (BEYA) Modern Day Technology Leader being nominated by his peers.

Paul and his Silhouette La’Nae (AKA) have three children and are active members of the Northern Virginia community.

Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson

Senior Province Vice Polemarch
Email Senior Province Vice Polemarch


Roberto Fannell

Roberto Fannell

Junior Province Vice Polemarch
Email Junior Province Polemarch

Brother Ewell is a Fall, 1983 initiate of the Meharry Medical College Chapter, the Kappa (SC) of Kappa Alpha Psi. After relocating to Virginia in 1985, he joined the Chesapeake-Virginia Beach (VA) Alumni Chapter. He was initially elected to the position of Keeper of Records for the 1986-87 fraternal year and has served all but three terms since to the present day. He also served one year terms as Assistant Keeper of Records (1987-88) and Vice Polemarch (1997-98), respectively. Brother Ewell serves as Chairman of the Silhouettes Committee; and is married to Silhouette Johnetta “Johne” Ewell who been the Chapter President since their chartering in 1993.

Brother Ewell has been recognized by the chapter as “Brother of the Year” in 1991 and 2010. He is one of four brothers who received the Robert Ferebee Lifetime Achievement Award which was initiated in 2019 and named for one of chapter’s charter members.

Brother Ewell served on the Eastern Province Social Action Committee in the 2000’s during the tenure of Brother Clarence F. Nelson, Jr. as chairman. In 2011, he was appointed Eastern Province Assistant Keeper of Records by Brother Howard L. Tutman, III and was reappointed by three Province Polemarch’s that succeeded him. In 2013, he began as the Secretary to the Senior Kappas/50 Year Brothers Committee chaired by Brother Vandy L. Miller. He held both positions concomitantly until 2018 when he was elected Eastern Province Keeper of Records.

Brother Ewell is a Life Member of the fraternity and is an Eastern Province Life Member. He has supported fraternity initiatives including the Kappa Foundation Million Dollar Club, the Centennial Campaign Founders Club. and has been a St. Jude Children’s Hospital Contributor.

Cleve Ewell, III

Cleve Ewell, III

Province Keeper of Records
Email Province Keeper of Records

Hugene Fields is the Director of Finance for the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA). In this position, He manages budgeting, accounting, and all financial activities of all functions of the NCJA. Hugene coordinates funding management activities on behalf of NCJA and is responsible for communicating financial and operational results to the Executive Director and Board of Directors.

Prior to joining NCJA, Hugene was a Controller at both the Center for Community Change and Capital Area Food Bank located in Washington, DC. In these roles, he oversaw the day-to-day accounting functions. Prior to working as a Controller, he was a Senior Auditor where he planned, scheduled, and led non-profit audits.

Hugene serves on the Board of Directors for EBED Community Improvement Inc.; a non-profit organization that provides residential and day services for individuals with disabilities. Hugene received his bachelor’s degree in Accounting from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and his master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Maryland University College. 

Hugene Fields

Hugene Fields

Province Keeper of the Exchequer
Email Province Keeper of Exchequer


Brendan Stevens

Province Strategus
Email Province Strategus

Life Member Donald Malcolm Smith is a 1994 graduate of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, a 2001 Graduate of the Master of City and Regional Planning Program at Morgan State University, where he was a member of the faculty and a former student of the Doctor of Public Administration program at the University of Baltimore. He has been admitted to the Pi Alpha Alpha Public Administration Honor Society.

His service in Kappa Alpha Psi began when he was initiated into the Baltimore (MD) Alumni Chapter (E) where he dutifully served as Social and Political Action Chair, Chapter Reporter, Assistant Keeper of Records, Keeper of Records, Vice Polemarch, President of the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation of Metropolitan Baltimore, Historian, and the Benchmark’s 51st Polemarch. His vision for the office of Eastern Province Historian is to ensure the achievements and accomplishments of the Eastern Province are recognized, revered, and applied to solve current problems.



Province Historian
Email Province Keeper Historian

Dr. DeAndre Howard, initiated in the spring of 2010, into the Chesapeake/Virginia Beach (VA) Alumni Chapter, has consistently served the fraternity on all three levels since his initiation.

As the province reporter, Dr. Howard, operates with the highest degree of integrity in all that he does. His dedication to the fraternity, coupled with his excellent organizational and communication skills, have made his contributions to the province very notable as he continues to utilize his expertise to improve our sacred news organ, the Khronicle, throughout the Province.

Dr. Howard's goal is to help further parade to others why the Eastern Province continues to be the “Flagship Province” of Kappa Alpha Psi.

DeAndre Howard

DeAndre Howard, Ph.D.

Province Reporter
Email Province Reporter

Board of Directors

Region I

TreQuan Hayes
The Coppin State University Chapter, The Zeta Gamma

Willie E. Wright
Frederick (MD) Alumni Chapter

Region II

Alexis Bello
The American University
Chapter, The Kappa Chi

Brandon Craddock
Washington (DC) Alumni

Region III

Devyn A. Nobles
The Virginia State University Chapter, The Alpha Phi

Danny T. Giles
Petersburg (VA) Alumni Chapter

Region IV

James Love Jr.
The James Madison University Chapter, The Nu Lambda

Eugene L. Sellers
Roanoke (VA) Alumni Chapter

Region V

Akin White
The Norfolk State University Chapter, The Epsilon Zeta

Bruce Copeland
Portsmouth-Suffolk (VA) Alumni

Appointments & Committees


Achievement & Awards

Pillar of the Province

Province History

james Jackson

John M. Marquess was appointed as the first Eastern Province Polemarch. Brother Marquess was a native of Arkansas and a graduate of Fisk University (1902) and Dartmouth College (1904). During his time at Dartmouth, he sang on the college Choir and Glee Club and was a member of the Varsity Track Team. By profession Marquess was an educator, teaching and leading a number of schools prior to serving as President of the Colored Agricultural and Normal University (which would become Langston University). Brother Marquess was the first in a long line of achievers that would serve as Eastern Province Polemarch. .

At the time the Eastern Province has established records indicating that it was comprised of four chapters- Epsilon, Xi, Baltimore (MD) Alumni, which served Baltimore City and County, and Washington (DC) Alumni. In contrast to the static boundaries, we’ve come to know, the boundaries of the province were amorphous and incorporated at one time Chapters from New York to North Carolina. Considering the current boundaries of the Eastern Province, the first Chapter was the Howard University Chapter, the Xi (E) of Kappa Alpha Psi which was chartered on December 27, 1920. The second overall and first Alumni Chapter was the Baltimore (MD) Alumni Chapter (E) chartered on July 15, 1921. The second Alumni Chapter and third Chapter overall were the Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter (E) which was chartered on October 27, 1924. But no matter the area the Eastern Province has been home to achievers and leaders. The East has given Kappa four Grand Polemarchs (James E. Scott, W. Henry “Stud” Greene, W. Thomas Carter, and Howard L. Tutman Jr.) and numerous Laurel Wreath Laureates, Elder Watson Diggs Awardees, and Guy Levis Grant Awardees. The Eastern Province is the epitome of achievement..

In four years, the Eastern Province will celebrate its centennial and with it the recognition of its history of leadership as it has chartered a strong course for our Noble Clan. .