
TreQuan Hayes
Undergraduate Board of Director

VIEW Undergraduate Chapters
Region 1 Undergraduate Chapters

Morgan State University Chapter, the Alpha Iota
Coppin State University Chapter, the Zeta Gamma
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the Theta Chi
Towson University Chapter, the Lambda Zeta
Frostburg State University Chapter, the Lambda Mu
Johns Hopkins University Chapter, the Rho Upsilon
McDaniel College Colony of the Towson University Chapter, the Lambda Zeta
Salisbury University, the Iota Psi



Willie E. Wright
Alumni Board of Director

VIEW Alumni Chapters
Region 1 Alumni Chapters

Baltimore (MD) Alumni Chapter
Annapolis (MD) Alumni Chapter
Aberdeen (MD) Alumni Chapter
Columbia (MD) Alumni Chapter
Salisbury (MD) Alumni Chapter
Frederick (MD) Alumni Chapter
Gaithersburg-Rockville (MD) Alumni Chapter
*Towson-Catonsville (MD) Alumni Chapter


Kappa Chi

Alexis Bello
Undergraduate Board of Director

VIEW Undergraduate Chapters
Region 2 Undergraduate Chapters

University of the District of Columbia Chapter, the Beta Kappa
Bowie State University Chapter, the Epsilon Sigma
University of Maryland College Park Chapter, the Theta Theta
Howard University Graduate School Chapter, the Theta Tau
American University, George Washington University, Georgetown University,
Catholic University Chapter, the Kappa Chi
George Mason University Chapter, the Mu Mu
Howard University, the Xi

Washington DC

Bradon Craddock
Alumni Board of Director

VIEW Alumni Chapters
Region 2 Alumni Chapters

Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter
Alexandria-Fairfax (VA) Alumni Chapter
Hyattsville-Landover (MD) Alumni Chapter
Bowie-Mitchellville (MD) Alumni Chapter
Fort Washington (MD) Alumni Chapter
Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter
College Park Sandy Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter
Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter
Upper Marlboro/ Waldorf (MD) Alumni


Devyn A. Nobles
Undergraduate Board of Director

VIEW Undergraduate Chapters
Region 3 Undergraduate Chapters

Virginia Union University Chapter, the Alpha Gamma
Virginia State University Chapter the Alpha Phi
Virginia Commonwealth University Chapter, the Eta Xi

Petersburg (VA)

Alumni Board of Director

VIEW Alumni Chapters
Region 3 Alumni Chapters

Petersburg (VA) Alumni Chapter
Richmond (VA) Alumni Chapter
Fredericksburg (VA) Alumni Chapter
Fort Gregg-Adams (VA) Alumni Chapter
Woodbridge (VA) Alumni Chapter
Gainesville-Manassas (VA) Alumni Chapter


Rho Theta

James Love Jr.,
Undergraduate Board of Director

VIEW Undergraduate Chapters
Region 4 Undergraduate Chapters

University of Virginia Chapter, the Eta Sigma 
James Madison University Chapter, the Nu Lambda
Radford University Chapter, the Rho Theta 
Virginia University of Lynchburg Chapter, the Rho Kappa
Virginia Tech University, the Theta Psi

Roanoke Alumni

Alumni Board of Director

VIEW Alumni Chapters
Region 4 Alumni Chapters

Roanoake (VA) Alumni Chapter
Martinsville (VA) Alumni Chapter
Charlottsville (VA) Alumni Chapter
Lynchburg (VA) Alumni Chapter
Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter


Akin White
Undergraduate Board of Director

VIEW Undergraduate Chapters
Region 5 Undergraduate Chapters

Hampton University Chapter, the Beta Chi 
Norfolk State University Chapter, the Epsilon Zeta
Old Dominion University Chapter, the Eta Omega
College of William & Mary Chapter, the Xi Theta
Virginia Wesleyan University Colony of the Old Dominion University Chapter, the Eta Omega
Christopher Newport University Colony of the College of William & Mary Chapter, the Xi Theta

Portsmouth-Suffolk (VA) Alumni

Bruce Copeland
Alumni Board of Director

VIEW Alumni Chapters
Region 5 Alumni Chapters

Norfolk (VA) Alumni Chapter
Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter
Portsmouth-Suffolk (VA) Alumni Chapter
Chesapeake-Virginia Beach (VA) Alumni Chapter
Bermuda Alumni Chapter
Franklin-Southampton (VA) Alumni Chapter


Membership Training Academy


Brother Rodney Robinson
Membership Training Academy (MTA)
Eastern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc.
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