The Portsmouth-Suffolk Alumni Chapter
The Portsmouth-Suffolk Alumni Chapter

The Portsmouth-Suffolk Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated, anxiously
anticipates your arrival for the Eastern Province Council, March 23-26, 2023. The theme for this
year’s meeting is “Embracing Achievement: A Call to Service.” In alignment with our theme,
each Alumni Chapter is asked to donate $200.00; Undergraduate Chapters and Silhouettes are asked to donate $100.00.

To show our appreciation for the dedication and commitment to our youth, donations will be
awarded to educators at our local schools.

All donations can be made to the Portsmouth-Suffolk Chapter’s website. Click the button below. Please submit your donations no later than March 9, 2023.


The Fall 2022 edition of the Eastern Province Khronicle is now available. With the increasing amount of interest in submissions, the edits took a bit longer than expected.

Want to purchase a hard copy?

The Khronicle is now available to purchase as a hard copy. For your convenience, hard copies are $30 each. Click here to purchase your hard copy today!

Next edition
The deadline for the Winter 2023 edition has been extended to Friday, January 27, 2023. As always, winter submissions must be submitted in the Brothers ONLY portal.

Donald McEachin

The Eastern Province invites you to our 15th Annual Virginia Legislative Day, Monday, January 16, 2023.

This year’s event will be in person in Richmond at Truist Place, 919 East Main Street, from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM.

The agenda for the event is in a forum style with special guests, state leaders, and members of the Black Legislative Caucus. Back by popular demand is the opportunity to visit legislative member offices and an introduction to the House and Senate chambers.

Be sure to join us for the Donald McEachin Memorial Luncheon at 1:00 PM at Capital Ale House, 623 East Main Street, Richmond, VA.

The attire for this event is a Crimson jacket, white collar shirt, Kappa tie, black pants, and black shoes (dark suit if you don’t have a crimson jacket.) Kappa Leaguers in attendance are encouraged to wear Kappa League Sweater, white collar shirt, Kappa League tie, black pants, and black shoes (if possible).

Contact Co-Chair Jer’ MyKeal McCoy, at 804-833-0078, Co-Chair Cleve Packer at, or 804-338-5118.

Spring 2022 Khronicle


The fourth and final edition of the Eastern Province Khronicle for the 2021-22 fraternal year his here. Please take some time to review the publication and share in all that we as a province and as
individual chapters have accomplished this year.

The Khronicle is now also available as a hard copy for your convenience for just $30 a copy. Click here to purchase your copy today!

Eastern Province Health and Wellness Committee

The Eastern Province Health and Wellness Committee is hosting a virtual program on Depression and Black Men, Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 7:00 PM. Registration is for brothers of the Eastern Province only.

Panelist for the evening are Dr. Samuel Gordon, Social Worker Chester Marshall, and Psychologist, Dr. Amel Logan. This is a topic that is important in the Black community, specifically, Black males, so please join us for this important event.

Winter 2022

The Eastern Province Khronicle Winter 2022 Edition is now available.

This news organ, The Kappa Khronical, is designed to serve a twofold purpose:  first, to keep the membership informed regarding relevant activities taking place in the province; and, second, to provide a means of sharing timely updates pertaining to activities, especially at the local level.  With poise and grace, our chapter reporters play a pivotal role in helping us disseminate information, motivate performance, promote unity, improve morale, and supplement province historical records.

Build A Legacy Brick Campaign - Centennial Guide Right Celebration

The Eastern Province planning committee with the support of the Grand Polemarch is asking each Province to purchase a $500 brick and each Alumni Chapter to purchase a $250 brick.  

This campaign is not limited to brothers.  It is open to corporations, friends, family members, co-workers, etc.  We are also asking that brothers solicit their line brothers and other brothers they know across Kappa.  

These funds will be used to pay for food and lodging for our Kappa Leaguers and undergraduate brothers at the Centennial Guide Right Celebration in St. Louis, MO July 6-10, 2022.  

2022 Eastern Province Council

Eastern Province Conference

The Eastern Province’s Planning Committee is excited to announce the 2022 Eastern Province Council is officially open for registration. The official hotel and conference venue is the Richmond Marriott Hotel, in Richmond, Virginia, March 17-20, 2022. The committee, supported by our host chapters–Richmond (VA) Alumni, Alpha Gamma, and Eta Xi–and the Eastern Province silhouettes, has been engaged and has toiled relentlessly to offer an opportunity for business and fellowship and to ensure an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Achievement & Awards

Achievement Award

The Achievement & Awards petition/application portal is now open for nominations. Eastern Province chapters are encouraged to begin submitting their nominations as soon as possible. The deadline to do so is February 20, 2022, at 11:59 PM.

For more information about the process, feel free to contact the Achievement & Awards committee at